

New mobility solutions for everyday work


Small, versatile vehicles and transport solutions are becoming more and more popular, especially in cities with traffic jams and few parking spaces. They are ECO – economical and environmentally friendly.

ECOMOBILITY has a wide range of versatile fine mobility solutions for construction firms, horticultural businesses, and anyone needing to transport material and equipment.

In the ECOMOBILITY EXPERIENCE GALLERY visitors from trade, industry and municipalities can do much more than just look – there are opportunities to touch, test drive, load and unload the vehicles. Because being able to compare in practice is important.

Which vehicle can accommodate a Euro palette? How can I transport half a ton of cement, shrubs with root bales, a lawn mower or road sweeper and still move fast on the cycle paths? What can I use to transport large amounts of sand, gravel or bark mulch on narrow paths?

The ECOMOBILITY EXPERIENCE GALLERY and the ECOMOBILITY Talk bring together vehicle and transport solution providers with users and procurement agents. ECOMOBILITY benefits from the unique EUROBIKE network. Make the most of the innovative ECOMOBILITY format.

Your ECOMOBILITY experience

Are you responsible for managing real estate or facility and green areas? Do you lead a skilled trade or horticultural business? Then you don’t just want to look at vehicles and transport solutions, but to test drive them and load and unload them. Come and see what the new mobility solutions are capable of – which is often more than expected.
ECOMOBILITY has the program to help you make the most out of your visit to the trade show.

Wednesday 3 July – Sunday 7 July 2024
• ECOMOBILITY Experience Gallery in Hall 8.
• Test rides on the test circuit starting from the ECOMOBILITY Point.
• ECOMOBILITY mini talks on the hour every hour
• ECOMOBILITY trade fair tours, including for groups of visitors, specifically tailored to
your areas of interest

Thursday, 4 July 2024 

  • ECOMOBILITY Talk with celebrities from politics, industry and experts.